Thursday, March 29, 2018
Feedback for Daryn and Bailee: House Flippers
1-- Write about something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Journal 8 - Vilma lopez
Humbling is a principle and a value I have been taught. I have learned to not things for granted. One maybe have better things than another person, But we should not compete against another. I was taught by my parents to help, to give a hand to people in need. If we have I noticed that sometimes we think we are living a bad life when someone else is living a worse life than us. I learned that we may more stuff than others. That in a blink of an eye we can be taken those things away. I have learned to be humble and not to judge people. We all live different situation. Don't be manipulated by the outside of a person.
My dream job would be working in an office, being an interpreter. I like translating but because I am shy I find it a little hard. But I have given people rides to immigration office. And it breaks my heart to see them struggling and the way they get treated. Sometimes i get mad because they can't defend themselves. They can not communicate because they are English non speakers. I see the suffering they have to go and the amount of money they pay their lawyers. I like translating, helping mothers who come to the U.S to give a better life to their children.
My dream job would be working in an office, being an interpreter. I like translating but because I am shy I find it a little hard. But I have given people rides to immigration office. And it breaks my heart to see them struggling and the way they get treated. Sometimes i get mad because they can't defend themselves. They can not communicate because they are English non speakers. I see the suffering they have to go and the amount of money they pay their lawyers. I like translating, helping mothers who come to the U.S to give a better life to their children.

journal 6 - vilma lopez
Esther is the character that I thought had the most impact in the life of Ishmael. If it was not for her I think Ishmael would have not opened up to anyone. He would just have harmed himself, by not speaking. letting everything inside and keeping everything by himself. Esther was a person that did not give up on him and reminding him that it was not his fault. Until he realized it by his own. Later he noticed that she was a person who liked her job and cared about her patients.
Ishmael rehabilitation is working. It was a long process and something new. At first he was used to being alone but now he has relied on people more. Ishmael would hurt his doctors and harm himself. And they would come back say they were okay. There is a moment were he gave up. He started to open up and talk about the dream he would have. The anger he felt having the rebels killing his only friends he had. Ishmael went from a kid that killed without feeling emotion to a kid expressing his feelings. He has used his experience and has spoke about what he went through. Ishmael has worked hard and has touched people with his speech. He knows that his testimony has a lot of weight. It helped him having a change and left his past.
Ishmael rehabilitation is working. It was a long process and something new. At first he was used to being alone but now he has relied on people more. Ishmael would hurt his doctors and harm himself. And they would come back say they were okay. There is a moment were he gave up. He started to open up and talk about the dream he would have. The anger he felt having the rebels killing his only friends he had. Ishmael went from a kid that killed without feeling emotion to a kid expressing his feelings. He has used his experience and has spoke about what he went through. Ishmael has worked hard and has touched people with his speech. He knows that his testimony has a lot of weight. It helped him having a change and left his past.
Journal 9 - vilma lopez
When reading about "Barbara Abelhauser 44, A Bridgetender", I found it very interested. I did not know about this job. And like how she said it, some people did not even know it existed. This job is to make sure everyone is safe when getting on the bridge. Also to assure if the bridge close that no one is in the way. i would like having a job like hers. Even though its not a good paying job but it's one is passionate about. Being a bridgetender you have the best view and just meeting new people. People who may live by there or just to tour around. Having this job you hear everything and see everything.

A theme I would like to talk about is family. After reading " NBA Referee Marat Kogut, 31". I noticed that sometimes parents want to pick our career for us or just make decisions without asking what we want. Marat Kogut was focused on being a Referee and his mom was against him being that. I can relate this to our culture and my life. Being the first person to go to college can be a big thing to parents. Like every parent they want to best for one but sometimes they do not ask you ,your opinion. But you have to go for what you want and what you desire to be.
A word I researched was notion. Which means a belief of something or desire. This word I could see in everyone. Everyone desires to be someone. Its a seed that is planted in everyone but because of the lack of resource or self-esteem, no one develops it. All around we hear people say " i wish i could to this and that".

A theme I would like to talk about is family. After reading " NBA Referee Marat Kogut, 31". I noticed that sometimes parents want to pick our career for us or just make decisions without asking what we want. Marat Kogut was focused on being a Referee and his mom was against him being that. I can relate this to our culture and my life. Being the first person to go to college can be a big thing to parents. Like every parent they want to best for one but sometimes they do not ask you ,your opinion. But you have to go for what you want and what you desire to be.
A word I researched was notion. Which means a belief of something or desire. This word I could see in everyone. Everyone desires to be someone. Its a seed that is planted in everyone but because of the lack of resource or self-esteem, no one develops it. All around we hear people say " i wish i could to this and that".
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Journal 9- Hiten
A question that I had was from the scientist Dr. Dorthy
Warburbon and her son Bob Warburton, the question I had was how many women are
there in the science field. And with the research i found out that there
are not that many in the science filed at all, facts show that "Women make
up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but only 29% of the
science workforce.”. But there are some promising signs. More female
students are taking classes like pre-calculus and advanced biology during high
school than male students, according to the National Girls Collaborative
Projects, and women are earning a near-equal proportion of bachelor's degrees
in STEM fields.
The them that I saw a lot was loving what you do. And I can
kind of relate because when I am fix the car or trying to figure out whats
wrong with it, I just get in that zone and get lost in what i am doing, not
knowing whats going around me or that the time is just flying by. in the book
they explain that when you are going something that you love it doesn't feel
like a job and you are more willing to go to work instead of hating everyday
that you have to go to work.
One of the words that I learned about is obstetricians
and it means someone who is a physician or surgeon qualified to practice
in obstetrics. I found this word interesting because it a word that i have
never heard of.
Journal 9- Brady Hund
After reading "Carl McNair, 57, Remembers His Brother, Astronaut Ronald McNair, With His Friend Vernon Skipper, 57" I got more interested in learning about the Challenger space shuttle and was wondering who else was all on it. After researching on, Ive learned that the challenger is the shuttle disaster that changed nasa. The challenger was one of NASAs greatest achievements. It was the second shuttle to make it into space and it actually completed nine milestone missions.The challenger spent 62 days, 7 hours, 56 minutes, and 22 seconds in space before a devastating explosion killed everyone on the shuttle during its 10th milestone mission.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Journal 9 - Jake Goedde
A question that I came up with was from the Carl McNAIR interview and i was wondering why did they rename the library in South Carolina in 2011? After doing research on this question i figured out a lot and it was mostly because He was not allowed to check out any books because of his race, and as you can tell a lot has changed since then. McNair accomplished a lot during his life time including the library to be named after him. In the summer of 1959, he refused to leave the segregated Lake City Public Library without being allowed to check out his books. After the police and his mother were called, he was allowed to borrow books from the library, which is now named after him.
The library renamed after Carl McNair
The theme i saw through this book so far connected to our culture is how motivated a lot of these people are to find their callings. I feel like once you start to find something you actually enjoy doing in life it will just help you succeed and motivate you to keep pushing and do what you love for the rest of your life. I can relate this to my own experience because this book is extremely inspiring and it pushes a lot of people including my self to dig and dig to find what they love. Hearing other peoples stories about how they found their callings believe it or not helps me and other people in this world stay motivated to try to reach where they want to be. I really hope one day, whether it is in 5 years or 20 years that i find my passion and succeed.
The best vocab word i have found so far is centrifuge, which is a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies force to its contents. This is my best word so far because i didn't even know about this machine until reading this book and you learn a lot of different things every single day.
The theme i saw through this book so far connected to our culture is how motivated a lot of these people are to find their callings. I feel like once you start to find something you actually enjoy doing in life it will just help you succeed and motivate you to keep pushing and do what you love for the rest of your life. I can relate this to my own experience because this book is extremely inspiring and it pushes a lot of people including my self to dig and dig to find what they love. Hearing other peoples stories about how they found their callings believe it or not helps me and other people in this world stay motivated to try to reach where they want to be. I really hope one day, whether it is in 5 years or 20 years that i find my passion and succeed.
The best vocab word i have found so far is centrifuge, which is a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies force to its contents. This is my best word so far because i didn't even know about this machine until reading this book and you learn a lot of different things every single day.
journal 9- marysa
A question I had from one of the profiles we've read from funeral director Don Byles and his daughter Mackenzie Byles. My question was what is a major for being a funeral director? I thought this was interesting because I've never heard of anyone going to school to be a funeral director. When I looked this up I found out that it's literally just going to school for funeral service or mortuary science. To be a funeral director you need at least an associates degree but it's better to have a bachelors degree and once you have at one of these degrees you have to go through certificate programs to get your license to become one.
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A funeral director is referred to as an undertaker. Funeral directors provide sympathetic support and the respectful disposition of the body of a loved one. |
A theme that I see in our reading is following a parents footsteps when it comes to a career or having parents that aren't supportive of the career you choose. I can relate to this because almost everyone in my family is either a teacher or someone working in a school such as a secretary and then the other half of my family are working in hospitals or nursing homes as nurses. And then there's me, wanting to do something completely different than everyone else and my family doesn't support it. They think I should become some kind of teacher or go to school to become a nurse or something in the medical field.
I think that my best vocabulary word so far in Callings is demarcation. This word is my best because I don't think I've ever heard this word before. The definition is the action of fixing the boundary or limits of something. This word is on page 38 in the McNair profile. This word is used in the sentence "he saw no lines of demarcation." Exploring this word I learned about the "demarcation line" and the "demarcation problem". The demarcation line was a boundary line marking the division of Metropolitan France into the territory occupied and administered by the German Army. The demarcation problem is about how to distinguish between science and nonscience.
Journal 9 -Bailee Patton
One question I fine intriguing is the suicide rate in Dentist.Recent Studies say that Dentist are stressed and have physical and emotional problems.The suicide rate in dentist is more than twice the rate of general public and three times higher than white collar workers. They believe the cause of this is because they are in a small room sometimes windowless. Which is like a cell. Its also hard on them physically because of hunching over all the time. It causes back pain and its easy for a dentist to get burned out.Dentist are 1.67 times more likely to commit suicide but surprisingly the number one job to commit suicide is Marine engineers.
I think one theme i can relate to is odd one out. I've always felt like i didn't have a place in this world. I never knew what i wanted to do and i wasn't that great at sports and i was mediocre with my grades. This doesn't stop me from trying my hardest to do things and be a better me but i can relate to a lot of these stories. I never feel like my parents are proud of me. I mean they say they are but they don't show it. Don't get me wrong i'm very happy with my life i just always had trouble making friends or keeping a relationship. My mom likes to say i try to hard to impress everyone and ts probably true. Maybe that's why i come out so odd i'm not sure. I'm happy with me. Maybe i am odd but at least i'm not just normal.
My best vocab word is is demarcation. The act of fixing the boundary or limits of something.I like this vocab word because to me its fixing or patching up bad relationships with friends or family. Its like trying to better yourself and keep the peace between everyone.I am that person who hates fighting and i try to patch up problems. I feel like this vocab word is like pushing yourself beyound your limits to do better that you thought you could.
I think one theme i can relate to is odd one out. I've always felt like i didn't have a place in this world. I never knew what i wanted to do and i wasn't that great at sports and i was mediocre with my grades. This doesn't stop me from trying my hardest to do things and be a better me but i can relate to a lot of these stories. I never feel like my parents are proud of me. I mean they say they are but they don't show it. Don't get me wrong i'm very happy with my life i just always had trouble making friends or keeping a relationship. My mom likes to say i try to hard to impress everyone and ts probably true. Maybe that's why i come out so odd i'm not sure. I'm happy with me. Maybe i am odd but at least i'm not just normal.
My best vocab word is is demarcation. The act of fixing the boundary or limits of something.I like this vocab word because to me its fixing or patching up bad relationships with friends or family. Its like trying to better yourself and keep the peace between everyone.I am that person who hates fighting and i try to patch up problems. I feel like this vocab word is like pushing yourself beyound your limits to do better that you thought you could.
Journal Nine- Alyssa
A question I had was for Anne Lucietto the Mechanical Engineer. First of what does an Mechanical Engineer do? They design power producing machines. For example; electric generators, steam and gas turbines, refrigeration systems, and air conditioning systems. They are also known to design elevators and escalators. They use computers extensively, they help to create and analyze designs, run simulations, and test how a machine is likely to work. Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest engineering fields.
Another question I had was what it was like being a women in a male dominate industry? Through research I was able to find a interview with a woman named Janice Richford. She tells how she doesn't think her being a female created any difficulties when looking for a job. But, when interviewed she had been asked some strange questions. One being what her opinion was on having children. While it is still unusual to come across more than a few female engineers, they are being more and more accepted then before. She says, she has had to put more effort in to establish herself and her authority in order to try and attain equal treatment. Having an analytical mind is major role in being an engineer, not your gender.
I think a theme that has been seen a few times throughout is getting a job just to makes ends meet, or to take care of themselves and their family. Which is actually seen a lot today. My husband and myself had kids at a young age so instead of school we both got jobs, just because they were hiring, so we could pay bills and take care of ourselves. I was working as a server at Pizza Hut and my husband was at Kroger Distribution Center when we graduated and had our first son 7 months later. But now, at 28 I am able to go to school and find something I love and will hopefully get a career I love. My husband has found a great paying job, doing something he loves.
The vocabulary word I chose is "entralled" which is to capture the fascinated attention of. Which can be found on page 49 in Callings. I chose this word because I have never heard it before and it stood out to me. I actually like to learn new words, at home we have competitions on guess the meaning of certain words.
Another question I had was what it was like being a women in a male dominate industry? Through research I was able to find a interview with a woman named Janice Richford. She tells how she doesn't think her being a female created any difficulties when looking for a job. But, when interviewed she had been asked some strange questions. One being what her opinion was on having children. While it is still unusual to come across more than a few female engineers, they are being more and more accepted then before. She says, she has had to put more effort in to establish herself and her authority in order to try and attain equal treatment. Having an analytical mind is major role in being an engineer, not your gender.
We need more female engineers, to help prove ourselves and our equality to men. Also, to change the game and have a different perspective on some designs.
I think a theme that has been seen a few times throughout is getting a job just to makes ends meet, or to take care of themselves and their family. Which is actually seen a lot today. My husband and myself had kids at a young age so instead of school we both got jobs, just because they were hiring, so we could pay bills and take care of ourselves. I was working as a server at Pizza Hut and my husband was at Kroger Distribution Center when we graduated and had our first son 7 months later. But now, at 28 I am able to go to school and find something I love and will hopefully get a career I love. My husband has found a great paying job, doing something he loves.
The vocabulary word I chose is "entralled" which is to capture the fascinated attention of. Which can be found on page 49 in Callings. I chose this word because I have never heard it before and it stood out to me. I actually like to learn new words, at home we have competitions on guess the meaning of certain words.
Journal 9- Daryn
I wanted to know more about firefighters responsibilities. I know that one of their jobs is to put out fires, but I wonder what else they do. They also inform the public on fires. They teach their community about the fires. Firefighters also respond to calls about hazardous materials. What surprised me though was they respond to some social service emergencies. They assist with victims and relatives of victims that were in traumatic events. I always just thought they were responsible for putting out fires, but this has shown me a different side of being a firefighter.
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Here's a firefighter teaching children. |
A theme I see throughout the book is hard work. For example Mackenzie Byles is on call 24/7. No matter what is going on she would drop it for work. From my own experience I've learn that hard work will get you what you love. I worked on basketball nonstop and in the end I achieved what I always wanted. I was finally getting offers to play basketball at many different schools. I was finally getting what I loved and wanted to do. Just like many of the people in the book, they work hard to get what they love.
My best vocabulary word is brazen. This means bold and without shame. This is my best vocabulary world because I can use it in my everyday life. It will relate to more of my conversations than many of the other words I have found. Also I found this word interesting because I've never heard it before.
Journal-9 Henry
What I wanted to know the most from yesterdays profiles, was how did the Challenger (Ronald McNairs shuttle) explode? After I did some research it turns out that the explosion of the Challenger was caused by an external tank explosion: the space shuttle broke apart because gasses in the external fuel tank mixed, exploded, and tore the space shuttle apart. The external fuel tank exploded after a rocket booster came loose and ruptured the tank.
Photo of The Challenger Exploding.

For part two, the theme is see reoccurring in every profile we read is working hard to achieve your goals. For example Dr McGarvey was one of 13 kids, with parents who had little education. Instead of following in his fathers footsteps of not going to college, he joined the military and found his passion for dentistry. From there on he went to college and worked 25 hour days to maintain his business and be successful. I look at our culture today and my generation and I don't see that. Now days kids want most things handed to them, like a career or college without doing any work for it and that does not show people the importance of working hard to better yourself in the long run.
My best vocab word is the "high-speed rocket sled" Definition: "A rocket sled is a test platform that slides along a set of rails, propelled by rockets. As its name implies, a rocket sled does not use wheels". I like this vocab word because they're very fast and I think its interesting that is used on a train track, instead of having tires.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Presentation Subjects and Slots. From Mike.
Thursday, March 29
1. House Flippers: Daryn and Bailee
Tuesday, April 3
2. Forensic Investigator: Marysa and Alyssa
3.. Automotive Mechanical Engineer: Hiton
Thursday, April 5
1. Vilma: Marine Biologist
2. Fox Sports Sideline Announcer: Henry and Jake
3. Sports Fashion Designer: Colton and Brady
1. House Flippers: Daryn and Bailee
Tuesday, April 3
2. Forensic Investigator: Marysa and Alyssa
3.. Automotive Mechanical Engineer: Hiton
Thursday, April 5
1. Vilma: Marine Biologist
2. Fox Sports Sideline Announcer: Henry and Jake
3. Sports Fashion Designer: Colton and Brady
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Journal 8 - Colton Long
Respect & Discipline/Career Choices
I have always had the idea of respect surrounding my life and everything I do for as long as I can remember. My dad has always taught me good manners common edict when it comes to being around people and when I go to visit another persons home. I say respect and not one of the smaller subjects because respect basically sums up all of them and gives me an easier way to portray my reasoning. I think that respect is the most important core value a human being to have because it alleviates most of the problems that occur in our life. We see too many times today where you see a kid have problems at school and it gets them in trouble because of there was no respect at home. Al well as there was no discipline to show who to respect. If a person has little or no respect, and I mean actual respect not what someone who doesn't have respect thinks is respect, but a true understanding of respect. Discipline and Respect go hand in hand because without one you truly do not have the other. With out one or the other you are lacking the most basic of traits a person could have. It is true many people have different lives and were raised in a different style homes, but we all should have the basic understanding of respect and discipline. Even though some people grew up and never learned it it is something that you can learn at anytime.
There are two careers that I find to be in the interest and of my liking and they would be what I am getting a degree for which would be to become a CPA, or a certified public accountant, or a more unorthodox job but no of the less still a great stable and good paying job is to work for UPS as a package deliverer in their iconic brown vans. The idea of a CPA has been around me really influencing me for a couple of years now. It started when my sister was dating a man who worked in the financial field and helped me learn about what there is to do and the basic outline of what they do. The UPS idea came to me very recently when my family's favorite delivery guy came by and we talked to him about it because it seemed like a fun job to me because it was pretty much an easy going job with not too much stress involved.
For UPS it would be a pretty relaxing job that I could do with was still a great provider for whatever I do in the future. |
Journal 8 Hiten Dhinoja
One of the core values that I believe in is respect. I think everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Ever since I was little I was always told that being respectful will get me further in life just because of the fact that I am giving people a reason for them to trust me and to give me a chance to prove myself. Respect is what makes first impressions either really good or really bad, either it will make stand out from the crowd in a good why or a bad way. Respect is also a way to show that you care about what the person is talking about or the relationship that you have with each other.
One of the jobs that I find very interesting would be to become a spy for the FBI. We always see movies about spies and FBI agents and it would be really cool to be able to fight like them and to be able to do the impossible stuff.
The Job that I would really like to have is to be mechanical engineer. I have always been interested in cars and would like to be able to have a part in making then. the technologies that go into the cars in the modern world is greatly advancing and I don't think its ever going to stop any time soon.
Journal 8-Marysa
My two core values that I think are most important to me are I absolutely love helping people and I'm very understanding. I think these are my two most important values because with social work being my major and what I want to do in the future, it's important to like helping people and understand what they are going through and their actions.
Two careers I would like to know more about is a pediatrician and social work or criminology. I would like to know more about being a pediatrician because I would get to work with children and babies who more often than not, get better when they are sick. I feel like it would be easier to work with children than to work with adults and the income would be 10x better than being a social worker. I would like to know more about social work or criminology because right now I am in social work but considering having a minor in criminology because I took criminology classes in high school and I absolutely loved it but I'm not sure what I would want to be in the criminology field. If I were to be a social worker in the future I would want to work with troubled children or foster children.
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This is a picture of a pediatrician helping a child.
Journal 8- Daryn
One important core value to me is trust. Trust is important to me because if you can't trust them why should they be in your life. If you can't trust them then you can't believe anything they say. I carry trust because I want people to believe what I say. I want them to come to me for help. I want people to be able to confide in me and be able to trust that I will just keep it to myself.Another one of my core value of mine would be hardworking. This is one of mine because if you work hard then you can get anything you want. You can keep a job and keep getting raises if you work hard.
The one job that I would love to have is a forensic pathologist. I have always been into like crime scenes and other things like that. I want a bunch of crime shows and I've always been interested to see that they can tell how they died and what gender they were by their body. My parents didn't want me to be a cop so I looked into this job path. I want to help people around me. I believe if I can help tell how they died then I am helping. I am helping the family get one step closer to closure.
Another dream job of mine is to become a sportscaster. I have always been into sports and it would be a dream come true to do something in sports for my job. However I wouldn't fit very well in the sports casting industry. I hate talking in front of people so every time we went on TV I would freak out. After my first day I would get fired because of my actions.
The one job that I would love to have is a forensic pathologist. I have always been into like crime scenes and other things like that. I want a bunch of crime shows and I've always been interested to see that they can tell how they died and what gender they were by their body. My parents didn't want me to be a cop so I looked into this job path. I want to help people around me. I believe if I can help tell how they died then I am helping. I am helping the family get one step closer to closure.
Another dream job of mine is to become a sportscaster. I have always been into sports and it would be a dream come true to do something in sports for my job. However I wouldn't fit very well in the sports casting industry. I hate talking in front of people so every time we went on TV I would freak out. After my first day I would get fired because of my actions.
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This is a forensic pathologist doing his job. |
Journal 8- Brady Hund
I would say that my two most important core values is that I'm hardworking and self motivated. Ive always been a hard worker, whether it was with school, sports, or to just complete a goal I've been trying to accomplish and the main reason I accomplish them is because I'm self motivated to try and be the best I can be. Im the type of person that if my coach asks me to jump, I turn around and ask how high? I like to get things done and it bothers me if I can't finish something.
One job I find very interesting is being a member of the United States Secret Service. Im actually majoring in criminology and I might minor in either a language or psychology but I think it would be really cool to be apart of the secret service. I mean think about it, If I were in the secret service id basically be a professional badass. I would get so many government benefits, and Id probably be traveling a lot which I wouldn't mind because I wanna explore the world. Being in the secret service is probably my top goal in life right now and I want nothing more but to achieve it.
My dream job would be to be good enough to play in the MLB. I basically played baseball my whole life and its always been my favorite sport. When I cam to college I made a dumb decision to not go to a school where I could play baseball and instead, I wanted to concentrate more on my schooling and my career. Even though its like one in a million chance to even get drafted by a major league team, If I played for someone like the Cleveland Indians, all of dreams would have came true.
One job I find very interesting is being a member of the United States Secret Service. Im actually majoring in criminology and I might minor in either a language or psychology but I think it would be really cool to be apart of the secret service. I mean think about it, If I were in the secret service id basically be a professional badass. I would get so many government benefits, and Id probably be traveling a lot which I wouldn't mind because I wanna explore the world. Being in the secret service is probably my top goal in life right now and I want nothing more but to achieve it.
My dream job would be to be good enough to play in the MLB. I basically played baseball my whole life and its always been my favorite sport. When I cam to college I made a dumb decision to not go to a school where I could play baseball and instead, I wanted to concentrate more on my schooling and my career. Even though its like one in a million chance to even get drafted by a major league team, If I played for someone like the Cleveland Indians, all of dreams would have came true.
This picture was taken after the Cleveland Indians
won their 22nd consecutive game.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Journal 8 - Jake Goedde
The two values that are most important to me are following what you love to reach your goal and to always value your family. These are extremely important to me because I feel like if I follow through with what I love, I will end up in the best situation I could possibly could and it will direct me in the path for my goals. If you follow in the path of what you love, I believe all goods things will end up in your favor for greatness. If you keep your family close and really value them it will also add on more teammates for you to accomplish your goals. It will also keep you motivated to work hard in life to make your whole family proud of what you accomplished. Keeping family close Is just a huge asset and will boost you a lot in life.
There are many careers that I am curious about and one of them is sports casting. I would like to learn a lot of information anout a typical day as a sports caster and how enjoyable the job is. I would really like to write or talk about sports to anyone at anytime. It'd be an ideal job that i'd like to pursure because i grew up all around sports and sports have impacted my life. It's turned me into the person that i am today and am extremly grateful for that. A dream job i'd like to know more about is being the owner of any company. How much work do u have to do a day? What's it like to be the top dog of a company? Being an owner of a company would be awesome because you are the top person everyone goes to. you are the main man of the company and it's all you. I feel like that'd be extremly cool and would be interesting to hear from owners currently and what they have to say.
Two broadcasters on t.v talking about soccer
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