Photo of The Challenger Exploding.

For part two, the theme is see reoccurring in every profile we read is working hard to achieve your goals. For example Dr McGarvey was one of 13 kids, with parents who had little education. Instead of following in his fathers footsteps of not going to college, he joined the military and found his passion for dentistry. From there on he went to college and worked 25 hour days to maintain his business and be successful. I look at our culture today and my generation and I don't see that. Now days kids want most things handed to them, like a career or college without doing any work for it and that does not show people the importance of working hard to better yourself in the long run.
My best vocab word is the "high-speed rocket sled" Definition: "A rocket sled is a test platform that slides along a set of rails, propelled by rockets. As its name implies, a rocket sled does not use wheels". I like this vocab word because they're very fast and I think its interesting that is used on a train track, instead of having tires.
Its interesting how easy it is for something in the space shuttle to go wrong and how easily they can explode.