Sunday, April 8, 2018

Journal 10- Alyssa

Policewomen, Pat Hays-
     This women's mother would abuse her and her mother. Then she married her high school sweetheart and he too abused her. This made me question the amount of domestic violence that does happen, a lot. So part of my research was to find out a round about percentage of women who are in abusive relationships. 1 in 4 women in the United States have been a victim of severe physical violence by a intimate partner in their life time. Out of an estimated amount of  960,000 number of domestic violence incidents per year, 85% of them are women. Unfortunately my husbands mother had to deal with this with his father and as a result of that she left him and his brother when he was 12 and hasn't been back in their life since.

From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female

Pat also talks about how she used to work the switchboard at a hospital. Which leads to part two of my research. What is a switchboard? People who work the switchboard, answer phone calls coming in and connect them to correct person or department. Before modern inventions switchboard workers had to manually connect callers on a switch board by plugging phone lines into correct circuit.

In the early days of telephony, through roughly the 1960s, companies used manual telephone switchboards, and switchboard operators connected calls by inserting a pair of phone plugs into the appropriate jacks

To compare and contrast Policewomen Pat Hays with Artist and Educator Sol Aramendi.
     These are both very different profiles. They both were caring, in different ways. Pat wanted to and was good at helping children who had been in abuse or neglect. Sol helped welcome immigrants and make then feel wanted. Gave them somewhere to be and to be comfortable. They both made a difference in someones life. "Miss Hays, you probably dont remember me, but you talked to me years ago, and I just wanted to know that I straightened my life out" (Callings 161). "But taking pictures changed everything. Before I was always afraid of talking in public with people looking at me. But when I take pictures, its not hard anymore" (Callings 184). They both helped someone change their life for the better, even though they both were completely different (Callings 157-162 & 182-185).

1 comment:

  1. Wow I never knew there was that many domestic violence cases a year. I always knew there was a lot, but I would have never guessed 960,000


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