Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Extra Credit- Alyssa
I am really stepping out of my comfort zone posting this. I am not sure if we were supposed to have an actual audience, but my kids are always around so I figured why not let them join. Sorry all the noise, my youngest doesn't sit still very well.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Journal 11- Daryn
A profile that I enjoy reading the most is Laura Martinez the blind chef. This profile showed me that it doesn't matter what is going on you can still achieve your goals. There is nothing in life that will hold you back as long as you know what your goals are. Even though no one wanted her to go to Le Cordon Blue she still made it. Laura went in and personally talked to someone in the presidents office to make sure she got into the school she wanted to. She knew what she wanted and wasn't going to stop until she got it. In the book when Laura was talking to the man in the presidents office she said, "'How do you know?' I was like, 'Give me a chance. And if I'm not able to succeed here, I will pick up my things and leave- you won't even have to kick me out" (quoted in Isay 242). She knew she wasn't going to fail and even if she did she wasn't going to let someone else tell her that she did.
I did research on felons getting jobs after they get out of prison. I learned that about 70% of them go back to prison. However, now there are grants that they can get so they get a job after they get out. According to the Bureau of Justice 12.5% of employers said the would hire an ex felon. I don't think this is right. These people are trying to better their life and find a job, but we are denying them the ability to do this. It cost way to much money to try and keep them locked up.
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Laura working in the kitchen. |
Monday, April 16, 2018
Journal 11- Jake Goedde

Clarence Haskett trying to get the
crowd amped at an Orioles game.
The policewoman Pat Hays is an extremely brave woman with a great mindset. She got physically abused my her drunk father and she started her life with another man at an extremely young age at 17. She had her first child months later. If you ask me that is a lot at only such a young age and she handled it which is incredible. This woman saw and heard things that were gruesome as a officer and She overall is just a brave and kind woman.
journal 11 Bailee Patton
One of my favorite profiles is the Ford assembly plant supervisor Dorthy Clinton. She worked so hard to get to where she is. I cant imagine moving to Chicago on my own with a baby and starting college with no help at all. Shes a true hard worker. All the jobs she had to work to get there is unbelievable. she was determined to make a change in herself and that is inspiring. all she wanted was to be able to provide for her baby. She said "Money made it possible for you to go to good schools-go to college-and hats what i wanted for you so i endured" (Dorothy 249).
If you ask me Laura Martinez is a very strong lady. To move blind and pursue her on career is amazing. She never saw herself with a disability Its amazing to me that she worked for Charlie Trotter. He owned the 5th best restaurant in the U.S. and the 30th in the world. Unfortunately Trotter died, but i bet he would be proud of how far shes come. Its amazing to me that he gave her a chance to work for him.Although i am happy he gave her a chance he did sound like he wasn't a very nice guy do to many lawsuits and wives, but Laura really seemed to appreciate him. Maybe its because he gave her a chance.
Dorothy fought for more rights at the ford assembly plant and sued them.
If you ask me Laura Martinez is a very strong lady. To move blind and pursue her on career is amazing. She never saw herself with a disability Its amazing to me that she worked for Charlie Trotter. He owned the 5th best restaurant in the U.S. and the 30th in the world. Unfortunately Trotter died, but i bet he would be proud of how far shes come. Its amazing to me that he gave her a chance to work for him.Although i am happy he gave her a chance he did sound like he wasn't a very nice guy do to many lawsuits and wives, but Laura really seemed to appreciate him. Maybe its because he gave her a chance.
Dorothy fought for more rights at the ford assembly plant and sued them.
Journal 11-Marysa
A profile that I liked a lot is on page 138, the ICU nurse Michelle Alore talking to her daughter Jenna Anderson. In this profile I feel like Michelle definitely had a true purpose for being in this very hard career. This profile made me realize how important it is to have a job that you love every single day. The only reason Michelle went into nursing was for the money but once she actually got into it she absolutely loved it. "But I've realized that the reasons I initially thought I'd go into nursing aren't the reasons that I really love it. For people who deal with critical illness, sometimes it seems like it's just another day. But for patients and families in the ICU, sometimes it's their last day." Michelle does anything she can to make sure the patient and families are comfortable if someone will be passing soon. This would be such a hard job but so rewarding.
I did research in the Hospice Chaplain Issan Koyama on page 115. I researched the Zen Hospice Project and I learned that this project is still going on today in California. The Zen Hospice Project isn't just for patients with AIDS but for anyone facing an advanced illness. The Zen Hospice Project was one of the first and only places that would provide care to those with AIDS in 1987. They actually have "open death conversations" which is supposed to allow you to "get in touch with the final stages of life." If you go to their website there is also a part where you can donate.
This is a picture of a couple ICU nurses rushing and running to help a dying patient. Being an ICU nurse, you never know what's coming through the door so you're always prepared.
Journal 11- Alyssa
A profile I really enjoyed is on page 177, with Lee Buono the neurosurgeon and his 8th grade teacher, Al Siedlecki. This profile really helped understand the importance of both careers. Even after 20 years Lee thought about and even thanked his teacher for how far he has came in life. It made Al realize that he is actually doing something right. Al said, "you're the fuel that keeps people like myself going. I'm a teacher. Its my passion. And I'm going to help as many people as I can, for as long as I can, to find their passion too. Tha'ts something you gave back to me. I'm so happy I had you as a student". That's a huge impact to make on someone. Al also said to lee, "Lee, you could probably be a neurosurgeon. You're that good". That right there is what helped Lee make his career choice in life. After twenty years and doing many surgeries and he stills tells his patients and their families about how incredible his teacher was.
A neurosurgeon is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system including congenital anomalies, trauma, tumors, vascular disorders, infections of the brain or spine, stroke, or degenerative diseases of the spine.
I did research on the profile about Veterans Crisis Hotline. There are many different hotlines for veterans to use. It was founded in 2004 and more than 3 million calls have been answered. Dispatched services to callers in crisis nearly 78,000 times. The line added anonymous online chat services in 2009 and engaged in over 363,000 chats. In November 2011, the Veterans Crisis line introduced text messaging service. To provide another way for veterans to connect, confidentially, with round the clock support and has responded to more than 81,000 texts.
The phone number is 1-800-273-8255. Website and text is 838255
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Journal Ten - Colton Long
I am covering the salmon slicer and the beekeeper as my two profiles. My main profile is the salmon slicer named Leonard "Len" Berk. With his profile it tells you the story of how he knew he wanted to be a salmon slicer than anything else. I did not find anything too important to research. What I did research is what a lox is. I had never heard this term before until I heard Len say it is his story. A lox is a fillet of salmon that was in a salt-sugar rub or in a brine (like gravlax). My reaserch question for the beekeeper was how long with the job last and I guess I already had an idea of how long, but it said that there will always be beekeeping for as long as bees are still around.
For Leonard i wanted to look up the different types of salmon that he could do because since he said there were like a hundred options I wanted to see what some of those were altantic, sockeye, chinook, chum, and so many more.
For Leonard i wanted to look up the different types of salmon that he could do because since he said there were like a hundred options I wanted to see what some of those were altantic, sockeye, chinook, chum, and so many more.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
jounal-10 Vilma Lopez
Lewis Employment Counselor - Mrs. Lewis started to help young people filling out application, an important thing that the school was not teaching . She was around a lot of young people. Helping them and getting them prepared. A little while after that she started to focus more on the youth that were just getting out of prison. Lewis majored in Business Management. she believed that ex-felons could have another chance. she had connection that helped her out ex felons into jobs. in the year of 2015 Lewis helped about 2,000 ex-felons find a full time job. nonprofit organization, the Lewis- Burnett Employment Finder Inc.

interview about her dedication to the youth.
Tito De La Cruz was surrounded with migrant who were under poverty line and traveled a lot to make the living. seeing how some migrants that were not citizen being taken away was something that marked him forever. Tito wanted migrants to know that they should not be afraid of authority. he believe in equal power in jury .
Public Defender Tito De La Cruz and Lewis helps the youth. there focus is to help the next generation to be better and seek opportunity that are out there. Tito is more focused on the youth that migrated and to help them with their self-esteem. Lewis focuses more the ex-felons. Both majored into two different things. Tito De La Cruz informs the migrated youth what their laws are. Lewis and Tito is stop employment discrimination.
interview about her dedication to the youth.
Tito De La Cruz was surrounded with migrant who were under poverty line and traveled a lot to make the living. seeing how some migrants that were not citizen being taken away was something that marked him forever. Tito wanted migrants to know that they should not be afraid of authority. he believe in equal power in jury .
Public Defender Tito De La Cruz and Lewis helps the youth. there focus is to help the next generation to be better and seek opportunity that are out there. Tito is more focused on the youth that migrated and to help them with their self-esteem. Lewis focuses more the ex-felons. Both majored into two different things. Tito De La Cruz informs the migrated youth what their laws are. Lewis and Tito is stop employment discrimination.
Journal 10- Jake Goedde
Beer Vendor Clarence- I researched this because I thought it was very interesting. Clarence obviously means a lot to the Orioles fan base and I think that is inspiring. He's just a normal vendor that is a die hard fan with a lot of support behind him from the fans. What I have discovered from this profile is that he really tries to get the crowd into the game. He does everything he can to boost the energy of the fans to watch his Orioles get hyped succeed.
There are a lot of similarities between both of these people. One of them is that they are both well respected by the people and they are extremely nice and loving people. They both do not want any harm to go on around them and they want peace. The differences are that they work in 2 completely different environments, one a subway conductor and one a vendor so a lot of different things can happen to them that are both completely different situations. "You don't need a can opener to sell beer; you need a personality!"(Callings 200.) This quote really shows you how much the job means to him and it also shows that he isn't using this job to just get by with money, he loves his job and that's inspiring. When Williams states, "I'm putting on my orange vest and letting you know that if you need me to hold your hand, I'm right here."(Callings 212.) This shows how loving and caring she is as a subway conductor, she really loves her job and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
There are a lot of similarities between both of these people. One of them is that they are both well respected by the people and they are extremely nice and loving people. They both do not want any harm to go on around them and they want peace. The differences are that they work in 2 completely different environments, one a subway conductor and one a vendor so a lot of different things can happen to them that are both completely different situations. "You don't need a can opener to sell beer; you need a personality!"(Callings 200.) This quote really shows you how much the job means to him and it also shows that he isn't using this job to just get by with money, he loves his job and that's inspiring. When Williams states, "I'm putting on my orange vest and letting you know that if you need me to hold your hand, I'm right here."(Callings 212.) This shows how loving and caring she is as a subway conductor, she really loves her job and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
Journal 10- Brady Hund
Al Siedlecki is an eighth grade science teacher and plays a huge roll in his students lives. Al says that he used to be afraid to tell some people that he was a teacher because he thought they wouldn't think as highly as him. Later on after his past student Lee Buono called him one day to thank him, Al's thoughts then changed. He loved being a teacher. Al says that his students are his fuel to keep himself going. Being a teacher is his passion and he says he's going to help as many people as possible for as long as he can, to help them find their passion too.
Al Siedleckie is also similar to an English teacher named Ayodeji Ogunniyi. They are both very passionate about their jobs and they both concentrate on building passion for the lives of their students. Teaching is very important to both of them and its what they really enjoy to do with their lives. However they also both have their differences. Ayodeji was and English teacher and Al was a Science teacher, they tough different subject but they had the same passion. Also, Ayodejis plan was never to be a teacher as a child. He was to either be a doctor, engineer, or a lawyer. Within his story he talks about his childhood with his father and how he was murdered. Ayodejis never wanted revenge, he just wanted to know why.
Al Siedlecki Teaching Science. |
Monday, April 9, 2018
journal 10 - Bailee
Arnie Knapp is a coach bus driver for very famous bands. A couple of them are Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Tim Mcgraw and Lip Sync. You think his job is just driving a bus but its so much more. One trip can be 16,000 miles. He also has to deal with late nights and parties. He even had to take care of the drunk lead singer of the band. Luckily Arnie originally went to school for nursing and took care of him. Hes kinda like a motivator and takes care of his bands.He claims his biggest sacrifice is leaving family behind. Hes on the road 300 days a year.His plan is to retire in about two years and go back to nursing school to help his wife because he loves her so much.

Arnie working on his bus.
Some similarities between Arnie and Dawn Msestas is that they both have a passion for what they do and it takes a certain mindset to do these things. Arnie has to be away from family and Dawn has to relive her nightmare of her ex by removing other girls tattoos in the same way. They also help people Arnie said " i had to clean up the throw up and clean him back up and tell him to make better life decisions."(youtube) and dawn said " when women come in with circumstances like ours i remove their tattoos free of charge."(Dawn 164) They both are more helpful then they realize to people the meet.One major difference is Arnie travels all the time while Dawn stays in her office. I would say a main theme is the dedication these two have for there job.

Arnie working on his bus.
Some similarities between Arnie and Dawn Msestas is that they both have a passion for what they do and it takes a certain mindset to do these things. Arnie has to be away from family and Dawn has to relive her nightmare of her ex by removing other girls tattoos in the same way. They also help people Arnie said " i had to clean up the throw up and clean him back up and tell him to make better life decisions."(youtube) and dawn said " when women come in with circumstances like ours i remove their tattoos free of charge."(Dawn 164) They both are more helpful then they realize to people the meet.One major difference is Arnie travels all the time while Dawn stays in her office. I would say a main theme is the dedication these two have for there job.
Journal 10- Marysa
I researched what "FIT" was in the subway conductor profile on page 209 because I wasn't sure if it was a college or job or what. I found out that it is Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, New York. When I was researching this I thought that I would find famous people that have went and graduated from here because Paquita Williams mentioned in the profile that FIT sets you up to be the next big thing but I actually couldn't find any famous people that we would know that went to FIT.
Comparing and contrasting The Subway Conductor profile with Paquita Williams and the Ink Removal Specialist with Dawn Maestas and Nicole Mendoza I found that these profiles actually have a lot in common. Paquita loves to make sure people know she is there for them and same with Dawn. Dawn loves to be there for people that have been through abusive relationships and need to be "free" again by removing the persons name that put them through it. Paquita is there for people that freak out when something goes wrong on the subway."I'm putting on my orange vest and letting you know that if you need me to hold your hand, I'm right there."(callings 212) Paquita has made life long friends being a subway conductor and just being there for strangers has changed the way she looks at life. "I get to help someone seal off one portion of their life and help them enter the next one." (callings 165) Being an Ink removal specialist has helped Dawn stay positive despite what she has been through in the past. They both use what they have been through to help other people. Paquita with the dentist not holding her hand and Dawn with the abusive relationship.
I read that New York is the fashion capital of the world and that this is the best school to pursue a fashion career. |
Journal 10 Henry
Born on June 17, 1924, Rose Brudno was a child of the Great Depression and a lifelong political activist. She fought fiercely for many worthy causes such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement. She courageously stood up for anyone who was oppressed or underprivileged. Rose was a fighter at heart. She described herself as a tough, in-your-face, shoot-from-the-hip, no-nonsense lady. She had a big mouth and a sharp tongue that got her into trouble as much as it earned her respect and admiration. She was well-suited to her trade as a barkeep. In the prime of her career, she owned and operated the Zanzibar and the Rendezvous, two bars situated in the heart of the African-American business district in Akron from the late 1950s through the early 70s. Rose was a ``hard hitter,' as she would put it. As a single mother, she worked tirelessly to run her bar business and raise her three children. I researched Rose because I think it is super cool that she is from Akron since I am from there. Also I like to learn more about Ohio history.
The second profile I did research on was Dawn Maesta, A tattoo removal specialist who helps people who have been victims of abuse. Brudno and Maestas have a lot in common. They're both independent and confident women who work and provide for themselves. Even though they have the same mindset and have passion for their jobs, they have very different kinds of work. Maestas also helps people individually with their issues unlike Brudno who's job as a bar keeper tends to help or take care of large groups of people. Both of these women found their calling and they worked very hard to be where they are.
Journal 10- Daryn
Jim Clyburn is a congressman. He ran for many races and lost most of them. Until in 1992 he ran for the United States Congress and won. Clyburn never gave up when he was running for these races. In the book Jim was talking about how he never gave up and he said, "While I breathe, I hope. And I've always felt that wherever there's life, there's hope. I never gave up. I kept running for office until I got it right"(quoted in Isay 215). He just kept pushing through and following his dream. He has now become popular. In 2016 Clyburn was unanimously picked to stay assistant Democrat leader in the next Congress. All of Jim's hard work has paid off. He has now been in the office for 26 years and counting.
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This is Jim Clyburn taking on the stand. |
Vito De La Cruz is a public defender. He didn't meet her father until she was fourteen years old. He lived with his aunt and they were migrant farmers. They were moving around all other. They never stayed in one place. When he was about thirteen years old board patrol came to his work and started taking immigrants. Vito was so fearful that they were going to take him. However this gave him some insight on what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Vito didn't know it at the time, but it did. So he went to law school and started working as a staff attorney until he became a public defender.
These two profiles are similar because they both have traveled a bunch. They both traveled around for their jobs. These two men also had to work for what they got. Jim ran for the election multiple times before he finally got elected. Vito grew up working on a farm. That was a lot of hard work for both of them, but in the end they both got to do something they loved.
Vito De La Cruz is a public defender. He didn't meet her father until she was fourteen years old. He lived with his aunt and they were migrant farmers. They were moving around all other. They never stayed in one place. When he was about thirteen years old board patrol came to his work and started taking immigrants. Vito was so fearful that they were going to take him. However this gave him some insight on what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Vito didn't know it at the time, but it did. So he went to law school and started working as a staff attorney until he became a public defender.
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This is Vito working a case. |
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Journal 10- Alyssa
Policewomen, Pat Hays-
This women's mother would abuse her and her mother. Then she married her high school sweetheart and he too abused her. This made me question the amount of domestic violence that does happen, a lot. So part of my research was to find out a round about percentage of women who are in abusive relationships. 1 in 4 women in the United States have been a victim of severe physical violence by a intimate partner in their life time. Out of an estimated amount of 960,000 number of domestic violence incidents per year, 85% of them are women. Unfortunately my husbands mother had to deal with this with his father and as a result of that she left him and his brother when he was 12 and hasn't been back in their life since.
Pat also talks about how she used to work the switchboard at a hospital. Which leads to part two of my research. What is a switchboard? People who work the switchboard, answer phone calls coming in and connect them to correct person or department. Before modern inventions switchboard workers had to manually connect callers on a switch board by plugging phone lines into correct circuit.
To compare and contrast Policewomen Pat Hays with Artist and Educator Sol Aramendi.
These are both very different profiles. They both were caring, in different ways. Pat wanted to and was good at helping children who had been in abuse or neglect. Sol helped welcome immigrants and make then feel wanted. Gave them somewhere to be and to be comfortable. They both made a difference in someones life. "Miss Hays, you probably dont remember me, but you talked to me years ago, and I just wanted to know that I straightened my life out" (Callings 161). "But taking pictures changed everything. Before I was always afraid of talking in public with people looking at me. But when I take pictures, its not hard anymore" (Callings 184). They both helped someone change their life for the better, even though they both were completely different (Callings 157-162 & 182-185).
This women's mother would abuse her and her mother. Then she married her high school sweetheart and he too abused her. This made me question the amount of domestic violence that does happen, a lot. So part of my research was to find out a round about percentage of women who are in abusive relationships. 1 in 4 women in the United States have been a victim of severe physical violence by a intimate partner in their life time. Out of an estimated amount of 960,000 number of domestic violence incidents per year, 85% of them are women. Unfortunately my husbands mother had to deal with this with his father and as a result of that she left him and his brother when he was 12 and hasn't been back in their life since.
From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female
Pat also talks about how she used to work the switchboard at a hospital. Which leads to part two of my research. What is a switchboard? People who work the switchboard, answer phone calls coming in and connect them to correct person or department. Before modern inventions switchboard workers had to manually connect callers on a switch board by plugging phone lines into correct circuit.
In the early days of telephony, through roughly the 1960s, companies used manual telephone switchboards, and switchboard operators connected calls by inserting a pair of phone plugs into the appropriate jacks
To compare and contrast Policewomen Pat Hays with Artist and Educator Sol Aramendi.
These are both very different profiles. They both were caring, in different ways. Pat wanted to and was good at helping children who had been in abuse or neglect. Sol helped welcome immigrants and make then feel wanted. Gave them somewhere to be and to be comfortable. They both made a difference in someones life. "Miss Hays, you probably dont remember me, but you talked to me years ago, and I just wanted to know that I straightened my life out" (Callings 161). "But taking pictures changed everything. Before I was always afraid of talking in public with people looking at me. But when I take pictures, its not hard anymore" (Callings 184). They both helped someone change their life for the better, even though they both were completely different (Callings 157-162 & 182-185).
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Feedback for Jake and Henry: Sports Reporter
1-- Write about
something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part
of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Feedback for Colton and Brady: Sports Fashion Designer
1-- Write about
something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part
of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Feedback for Vilma: Marine Biologist
1-- Write about
something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part
of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Feedback for Hiton
1-- Write about
something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part
of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Feedback for Marysa and Alyssa
1-- Write about
something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part
of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
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Forensic investigation. |
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Feedback for Daryn and Bailee: House Flippers
1-- Write about something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part of the Presentation seemed the best?
2-- Offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Where did you want more clarity or development? What did this group miss? Etc.
The best and most thoughtful comments will likely include information, observations, quotes, statistics, connections, questions. . . or other material from your active listening notes.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Journal 8 - Vilma lopez
Humbling is a principle and a value I have been taught. I have learned to not things for granted. One maybe have better things than another person, But we should not compete against another. I was taught by my parents to help, to give a hand to people in need. If we have I noticed that sometimes we think we are living a bad life when someone else is living a worse life than us. I learned that we may more stuff than others. That in a blink of an eye we can be taken those things away. I have learned to be humble and not to judge people. We all live different situation. Don't be manipulated by the outside of a person.
My dream job would be working in an office, being an interpreter. I like translating but because I am shy I find it a little hard. But I have given people rides to immigration office. And it breaks my heart to see them struggling and the way they get treated. Sometimes i get mad because they can't defend themselves. They can not communicate because they are English non speakers. I see the suffering they have to go and the amount of money they pay their lawyers. I like translating, helping mothers who come to the U.S to give a better life to their children.
My dream job would be working in an office, being an interpreter. I like translating but because I am shy I find it a little hard. But I have given people rides to immigration office. And it breaks my heart to see them struggling and the way they get treated. Sometimes i get mad because they can't defend themselves. They can not communicate because they are English non speakers. I see the suffering they have to go and the amount of money they pay their lawyers. I like translating, helping mothers who come to the U.S to give a better life to their children.

journal 6 - vilma lopez
Esther is the character that I thought had the most impact in the life of Ishmael. If it was not for her I think Ishmael would have not opened up to anyone. He would just have harmed himself, by not speaking. letting everything inside and keeping everything by himself. Esther was a person that did not give up on him and reminding him that it was not his fault. Until he realized it by his own. Later he noticed that she was a person who liked her job and cared about her patients.
Ishmael rehabilitation is working. It was a long process and something new. At first he was used to being alone but now he has relied on people more. Ishmael would hurt his doctors and harm himself. And they would come back say they were okay. There is a moment were he gave up. He started to open up and talk about the dream he would have. The anger he felt having the rebels killing his only friends he had. Ishmael went from a kid that killed without feeling emotion to a kid expressing his feelings. He has used his experience and has spoke about what he went through. Ishmael has worked hard and has touched people with his speech. He knows that his testimony has a lot of weight. It helped him having a change and left his past.
Ishmael rehabilitation is working. It was a long process and something new. At first he was used to being alone but now he has relied on people more. Ishmael would hurt his doctors and harm himself. And they would come back say they were okay. There is a moment were he gave up. He started to open up and talk about the dream he would have. The anger he felt having the rebels killing his only friends he had. Ishmael went from a kid that killed without feeling emotion to a kid expressing his feelings. He has used his experience and has spoke about what he went through. Ishmael has worked hard and has touched people with his speech. He knows that his testimony has a lot of weight. It helped him having a change and left his past.
Journal 9 - vilma lopez
When reading about "Barbara Abelhauser 44, A Bridgetender", I found it very interested. I did not know about this job. And like how she said it, some people did not even know it existed. This job is to make sure everyone is safe when getting on the bridge. Also to assure if the bridge close that no one is in the way. i would like having a job like hers. Even though its not a good paying job but it's one is passionate about. Being a bridgetender you have the best view and just meeting new people. People who may live by there or just to tour around. Having this job you hear everything and see everything.

A theme I would like to talk about is family. After reading " NBA Referee Marat Kogut, 31". I noticed that sometimes parents want to pick our career for us or just make decisions without asking what we want. Marat Kogut was focused on being a Referee and his mom was against him being that. I can relate this to our culture and my life. Being the first person to go to college can be a big thing to parents. Like every parent they want to best for one but sometimes they do not ask you ,your opinion. But you have to go for what you want and what you desire to be.
A word I researched was notion. Which means a belief of something or desire. This word I could see in everyone. Everyone desires to be someone. Its a seed that is planted in everyone but because of the lack of resource or self-esteem, no one develops it. All around we hear people say " i wish i could to this and that".

A theme I would like to talk about is family. After reading " NBA Referee Marat Kogut, 31". I noticed that sometimes parents want to pick our career for us or just make decisions without asking what we want. Marat Kogut was focused on being a Referee and his mom was against him being that. I can relate this to our culture and my life. Being the first person to go to college can be a big thing to parents. Like every parent they want to best for one but sometimes they do not ask you ,your opinion. But you have to go for what you want and what you desire to be.
A word I researched was notion. Which means a belief of something or desire. This word I could see in everyone. Everyone desires to be someone. Its a seed that is planted in everyone but because of the lack of resource or self-esteem, no one develops it. All around we hear people say " i wish i could to this and that".
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Journal 9- Hiten
A question that I had was from the scientist Dr. Dorthy
Warburbon and her son Bob Warburton, the question I had was how many women are
there in the science field. And with the research i found out that there
are not that many in the science filed at all, facts show that "Women make
up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but only 29% of the
science workforce.”. But there are some promising signs. More female
students are taking classes like pre-calculus and advanced biology during high
school than male students, according to the National Girls Collaborative
Projects, and women are earning a near-equal proportion of bachelor's degrees
in STEM fields.
The them that I saw a lot was loving what you do. And I can
kind of relate because when I am fix the car or trying to figure out whats
wrong with it, I just get in that zone and get lost in what i am doing, not
knowing whats going around me or that the time is just flying by. in the book
they explain that when you are going something that you love it doesn't feel
like a job and you are more willing to go to work instead of hating everyday
that you have to go to work.
One of the words that I learned about is obstetricians
and it means someone who is a physician or surgeon qualified to practice
in obstetrics. I found this word interesting because it a word that i have
never heard of.
Journal 9- Brady Hund
After reading "Carl McNair, 57, Remembers His Brother, Astronaut Ronald McNair, With His Friend Vernon Skipper, 57" I got more interested in learning about the Challenger space shuttle and was wondering who else was all on it. After researching on, Ive learned that the challenger is the shuttle disaster that changed nasa. The challenger was one of NASAs greatest achievements. It was the second shuttle to make it into space and it actually completed nine milestone missions.The challenger spent 62 days, 7 hours, 56 minutes, and 22 seconds in space before a devastating explosion killed everyone on the shuttle during its 10th milestone mission.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Journal 9 - Jake Goedde
A question that I came up with was from the Carl McNAIR interview and i was wondering why did they rename the library in South Carolina in 2011? After doing research on this question i figured out a lot and it was mostly because He was not allowed to check out any books because of his race, and as you can tell a lot has changed since then. McNair accomplished a lot during his life time including the library to be named after him. In the summer of 1959, he refused to leave the segregated Lake City Public Library without being allowed to check out his books. After the police and his mother were called, he was allowed to borrow books from the library, which is now named after him.
The library renamed after Carl McNair
The theme i saw through this book so far connected to our culture is how motivated a lot of these people are to find their callings. I feel like once you start to find something you actually enjoy doing in life it will just help you succeed and motivate you to keep pushing and do what you love for the rest of your life. I can relate this to my own experience because this book is extremely inspiring and it pushes a lot of people including my self to dig and dig to find what they love. Hearing other peoples stories about how they found their callings believe it or not helps me and other people in this world stay motivated to try to reach where they want to be. I really hope one day, whether it is in 5 years or 20 years that i find my passion and succeed.
The best vocab word i have found so far is centrifuge, which is a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies force to its contents. This is my best word so far because i didn't even know about this machine until reading this book and you learn a lot of different things every single day.
The theme i saw through this book so far connected to our culture is how motivated a lot of these people are to find their callings. I feel like once you start to find something you actually enjoy doing in life it will just help you succeed and motivate you to keep pushing and do what you love for the rest of your life. I can relate this to my own experience because this book is extremely inspiring and it pushes a lot of people including my self to dig and dig to find what they love. Hearing other peoples stories about how they found their callings believe it or not helps me and other people in this world stay motivated to try to reach where they want to be. I really hope one day, whether it is in 5 years or 20 years that i find my passion and succeed.
The best vocab word i have found so far is centrifuge, which is a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies force to its contents. This is my best word so far because i didn't even know about this machine until reading this book and you learn a lot of different things every single day.
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