Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Journal Three- Alyssa

Journal Three

      I think my active reading is going well. Although I  struggle with reading a head and not writing important information down, I really do like having the highlighted and written in the margins information. It helps remember important detail about the book.
     I really enjoy reading " A Long Way Gone", its so easy for me to get caught up in the book. " The House on Mango Street" not so much. The short chapters in the book make it easier to read, but I cant seem to keep up with the who, what, when, where, and why. Its all over the place. " A Long Way Gone" keeps me intrigued. I can picture the places, the people, and the situations they are put in.
     The theme I chose from the book " A Long Way Gone", chapter 6, is trust. While traveling to get safe, the six boys had to bypass villages and walk through near by bushes. Because people would try to hurt them to protect themselves and their families as they did not know who were the rebels and who weren't. Beah writes, "people stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy" ( page 37 ).


  1. I also picked trust for chapter 6. That is a huge theme in not only chapter 6 but the whole book so far!

  2. I agree with you about "The House on Mango Street". It's easy to get through but it's hard to keep up with everything going on because the chapters are so short and new things are introduced every 3 pages.

  3. Trust. That is huge in this book because everyone that you see cant trust you or you cannot trust them. It sucks not knowing who you can and cannot trust during such a hard time.


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