Monday, February 5, 2018

Journal Four Brittani Velazco

     Elinita cards, palm, water was a confusing chapter for me. I had a hard time understanding this chapter. In this chapter Cisneros is having Elinita the witch woman read her future, but she doesn't understand what the reading meant. I couldn't quite pinpoint much for my active reading. The whole chapter theme revolves around Cisneros having her future told as Elinitas life went on around them. The language and writing was at its best when Cisneros said "Her T.V. is color and big and all her pretty furniture made out of red fur like the teddy bears they give away in carnivals." I also loved when Cisneros said, "My hole life on that kitchen table: past, present, future." I feel like that is a metaphor in life. I've been there. where your life is in someone else's hands, and if things don't go the right way your whole world is going to come crashing down.
     When I was a junior in high school I met a guy named Kris who was a senior. He turned out to be one of the best friends I've ever had. Kris had such a big influence on me. I was very sheltered and my grandma was way too over protective. I was never allowed to go any where or do anything. Kris showed me that I was old enough to start making my own decisions. I had a year and a half until I turned eighteen. I would always get in trouble for hanging out with Kris because he was older. He would drive me to and from school, and I would get grounded for it because I wasn't allowed to be in anyone's car. Vary rarely grandma would let me go hang out with Kris but I would still get grounded because I didn't always come home on time. The biggest influence Kris had on me was helping me to see that when I turn eighteen I need to get out on my own and find myself. Kris was a positive influence on my life. I had my whole life almost established by the time I turned twenty-one. I had a son and one on the way, I gained a step son, and married my husband. We owned two cars and bought a house. Kris pushed me to become who he knew I was meant to be and it has turned out to be a beautiful thing. 


  1. I had a friend like that as well. It's always nice to have people in your life that are able to open your eyes and make you realize what you deserve :)

  2. That's an amazing story and Kris sounds like the kind of a person that everyone would want in their life.


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