Monday, February 5, 2018

Journal 4 From Hiten

          The chapter that I got was " Geraldo No Last Name". In this chapter about Marin and how she likes to go dances and at one of the dances that she had been to, she had met a young man named Geraldo and she had danced with him, but after the dance he left and was killed in a hit and run accident. He spoke no English and no one really knew much about him not even his last name, Cisneros describes him as "Green pants and a Saturday shirt. Geraldo (Cisneros 64).

          One person that had the biggest influence that on me when I was growing up was one of my best friends from middle school that lived couple of houses away from mine. he was a year older then me, he was the guy that everyone liked and wanted to be friend with, he was the kind of person that was super nice and friendly to every one and he worked hard at every thing that he did, he was the guy that would help anyone that needed any help, and to be honest I think that one of the reasons that we became best friends cause I needed help help a lot back then with sports and school and he was the friend that was there even though he was a year older then me and had his own life and his own problems. Even though we are now older and we moved away from each other we still hang out a lot. 


  1. Those are the best kind people, people who are willing to help anyone! I am the same way, love to see people happy.

  2. I have a friend just like that, wouldnt trade it for anything.Great people.

  3. True friends like that are hard to find these days.


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